Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Blotanical - What a great graden blog Community

Blotanical is a gardening Blog community. I joined on March 30th and since then I am getting around 2o + extra views a day. There are a lot of features that you can use to gain more readers or find new garden blogs to read. With in the first day I had a posting from someone Oklahoma. The more points you gain from reading, posting and doing little things to help the community, your blog gets more visibility.

If you are looking for bloggers in your state, you can select what country you want to look at, then click on the state you want to view, then select the blog of interest or just start reading them all. Only thing I do not like is, when you have to many blogs in one area, you can not click on some of them because they overlap. I have spent several minutes trying to click on a blog and could not open it.

Word of caution..... You can lose all track time, while surfing this site!

Please Check the site out!


  1. There is certainly lots to see and do. So many blogs, and not enough time.

  2. Pam/Digging says:

    Welcome to garden blogging and Blotanical. It is true that reading blogs can absorb all your time if you're not careful. But it's almost as fun as gardening itself.

    By the way, your comment identity form is limited to those with Google/Blogger accounts. If you'll enable anonymous or "other" comments, you'll make it possible for non-Blogger folks to comment. Cheers.

  3. Thanks Pam, Its now open for anyone.
